- You are not familiar with Kashmiri Yoga and would like an introductory session.
- You are already doing Kashmiri Yoga and want to work on an issue.
- You wish to do individual work in addition to group classes.
One session can be enough to give you an intimate understanding of your body and the keys to a caring practice.
We will look in detail at the postures that pose a problem for you, the keys contained in these postures, so as to propose to the body lines adapted to a correct exploration.
Individual work is always rich.
He is a wonderful opportunity to give oneself, without restraint, to one’s emotional & tactile feelings, and thus free spaces that were previously difficult to reach.
Online registration
Practical information
Rates for the session
2h (practice and discussion)
<p><span>Once you have booked a session via online registration, I will contact you so that we can arrange a day and time.<br>If it is not possible for you to book by internet, I suggest you to send me an <a href=""https://www.lerevedelaluciole.fr/contact/"">email</a>.<br></span><span></span></p>
<p><span>Online or in </span>Saint Julien Molin Molette<span>.</span></p>
Clothing and equipment
<p>Yoga is practiced in a soft and comfortable outfit.</p>