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Arts of being

Kashmir Yoga

According to the teaching of Jean Klein, transmitted by Eric Baret

Therefore, Kashmiri Yoga is not an ascetic discipline to be used for any spiritual realization.

Kashmirian Yoga is an art. An art is practiced by the heart, by resonance. An art is practiced “by” and not “for”.

The yogic approach is thus here an expression and not a means. It is extremely different because the whole technical approach will be addressed without intention. The intention will gradually be replaced by the sensitivityby theintensitynot an intensity towards something, towards a future, a becoming, but an intensity by something, by a presence devoid of ourselves, an impersonal presence.

When one no longer wants anything, when one no longer knows anything, when the body leaves its psycho-organic reference, the practice of Yoga becomes vibrant listening, a presentiment of tranquility.


Abhinavagupta, chapter six of the Tantraloka

"Yoga does not lead to clarity. Yoga does not lead to Shiva. It is Shiva that leads to Yoga."


Eric Baret

The more tactile density is awakened, the less room there is to search for things in the mind.

When I search in my mind, I only find the past. But nothing is separate.
It is thought that separates, that creates space and time. There is no such thing. There is no there. There is only the moment."

When the body leaves its representation, when it is no longer considered or perceived as an object of memory, with its anatomical reference points, it becomes once again a tool of receptivity, a sounding board for the environment. The awakening of all the senses leads to a transparency of the corporalityIt allows a real cleaning of the psycho-physiological clutter. The body of separation is erased to let emerge thebody of vibration.

It is in my listening, free of all expectations, of all comments, that the constant reactivity of the body can be reduced. In this process, we do not seek to feel relaxation and release tension. On the contrary. It is the tension of the body that will allow the awareness of what relaxation really is.

As opposed to the progressive paths, where one seeks to purify one’s body and mind, the direct path in which Kashmiri Tantric Yoga is inscribed refers to themoment and considers it as theonly reality.

In this reality of the moment, things are perfect as they are. The word perfect is not understood in the sense of marvelous, but in the sense of “par-fact”, what is done, what is there. There is no need to add or remove anything, that would only be violence, but rather toobserve, tolisten, toexplore what is there. It is in my clutter that I must find my freedom. My tranquility is not there, it is here.


Eric Baret

The goal is not to strike a pose, but to find that space within ourselves in which we are available to life, deeply, without demand. […%.93.

The âsanas are there to stimulate the extent of our defenses, our refusals and postponements of life.
Later, these same positions are revealed as archetypes of consciousness.

Touching spaces-time quite different from the cycles of waking and dreaming, these celebrations are the infinite prolongations of the energy games.

Thereafter, prânâyâma actualizes our potential to reflect consciousness.

Practiced with humility, free from the image of being a practitioner, it will point directly to the resorption of our limits, ultimate tranquility."